Become A Certified Transformational Leader & Coach Today!

Empower, Inspire, and Transform The Lives Of Leaders Around The World With Our Exclusive Leadership & Coaching Certification Program

Are you a passionate, driven individual who desire to make a real difference in the lives of others? Are you ready to step up, take charge, and lead the way to a better future for yourself and the clients you serve?

If so, we invite you to join our life-changing Leadership & Coaching Certification Program, designed specifically to help you unleash your full potential as a leader, mentor, and catalyst for change.

Our comprehensive program offers you:

  • The opportunity to develop and master essential leadership and coaching skills, enabling you to inspire and motivate others to reach their full potential.

  • A supportive, empowering community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for growth and transformation.

  • A globally recognized certification that will enhance your credibility and attract clients, setting you apart as a sought-after expert in your field.

  • Access to ongoing professional development, resources, and networking opportunities to help you stay at the forefront of the leadership and coaching industry.

Our Leadership & Coaching Certification Program

comprises six transformative modules:

Module One

Foundations of Leadership & Coaching: Learn the core principles, theories, and practices of effective leadership and coaching, specifically tailored for the unique challenges and opportunities faced by women.

Module Two

Emotional Intelligence & Empathy: Discover how to harness your emotional intelligence and develop deep empathy to create powerful, meaningful connections with your clients and team members.

Module Three

Effective Communication & Active Listening: Master the art of clear, persuasive communication and active listening, enabling you to facilitate powerful conversations that drive change and growth.

Module Four

Building Resilience & Overcoming Obstacles: Uncover strategies for cultivating resilience and overcoming obstacles, both for yourself and for those you lead and coach.

Module Five

Empowering Others & Creating High-Performing Teams: Learn how to inspire, empower, and support others to unlock their full potential, creating high-performing teams and fostering a culture of success.

Module Six

Building Your Coaching Practice & Branding: Develop your personal brand and coaching practice, leveraging effective marketing strategies to attract and retain clients who value your expertise and guidance.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey and step into your power as a Certified Leadership & Coach?

Now is the time to invest in yourself and your future!

Apply for our Leadership & Coaching Certification Program today, and begin your journey to making a lasting impact on the lives of women around the world.

Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity! Spaces are limited, and our next cohort starts soon.

Click the link below to begin the application process and secure your spot in our exclusive program.

With the large number of coaching and leadership development programs out there it can certainly be confusing as to which is good/better/best. What if each simply had a different focus? With a vast array of specializations available, the objective 30,000-foot view of coaching and leadership can get lost in the noise. From the 30,000-foot perspective, you will notice that the positioning is frequently between educational and transformational. The question here is which are you ready for? What level of work are you ready to offer your clients? What level of support do you want to offer? Since you cannot take them where you haven’t gone yet, are YOU ready for transformational work? Are you ready to go to levels that may be new to you?

Simply put, transformational work encompasses working wholistically with your clients. Education expands the mind, transformational work both expands and integrates the heart, soul, mind, and passion to a level of cellular and paradigm shifts. Because we are all holograms, our physical health is impacted as well. Whether you are a leader or a coach, certain skills are required to excel at what you are doing. Those skills require you to be solid, confident, and self-aware, if you are to have the ability to respond versus react consistently; to see what can’t be seen and hear what is not being said. When you truly are present, you can recognize when something you or a client does or says, insinuates, shows denial, touches a trigger, wounds you, or generates self-doubt. Ignoring those reactions, pretending you have “processed it already” or don’t need to look at it, causes you to close off a piece of who you are – a piece that is now no longer available to you, your personal relationships, or those you work with. Everyone loses. Know that your energy and vibration reflect how alive and present you are far more than your words do. Learn to recognize when they are not congruent with where you want to be while developing the tools needed to shift and grow to match the vibration that most reflects your higher self.

You and your clients deserve to have all of you available in your life. This 10-month program is provided to support you in bringing the best of who you are to the table personally and professionally. It supports you in smoothly taking your business to the next level, excel at where you are going, and bring “the flow” as a natural way of living and “working.” These practices take the “work” out of life and make it an adventure that can be filled with humor and faith. Faith in you, the Universe, and the journey you are creating. That is where the fun and wisdom begin. Whether you are a certified coach or leader is irrelevant. What counts is a desire to learn and grow in order to serve more proundly in addition, knowing which personalities you work best with, which cause you to go into defense or dread, and which excite you and easily call out your best self, allows you to recognize which reactions are caused by your stuff or theirs. We are all human so acknowledging where your stuff comes in, allows you to own it, deal with it, and then best serve those you work with.

This program will support you in understanding the energy, fears, defenses, masks, and strengths you bring into every interaction. You will also see that no matter how much you educate your clients, how great a business or marketing plan you develop, or what systems and protocols you create, if their wounds and stories tell them they are failures or that “they” win not your client, your work was educational not transformational. Transformational work opens them up to the growth and wisdom needed to take them and their business or careers to the next level. Since you cannot take them where you have not been, now is the time to fly into your career or business while you support them in doing the same.

"Dorothy is an incredible coach and I recommend her without reservation to women in leadership. She has an exceptional ability to help women strength the skills needed to both navigate the complex world of unconscious bias and nurture the inner self. Dorothy is one of the best investments I have made in myself." ~Mary O'Connor M.D.

The W.I.S.E Method

The W.I.S.E. Method™ (Wholistic Integrated Spiritual Energy) developed by Dorothy Martin-Neville, is a form of energy medicine that focuses on the multiple levels of the human energy field with the intent to create optimal physical, psychological and spiritual health.Over the centuries, many spiritual masters, across numerous spiritual traditions, have reminded us that as humans we are fundamentally spiritual beings who are embodied souls.When we forget this fundamental truth of who we are, we create a false or illusionary self that sees itself as alone, vulnerable and separate in the world.This false self thus creates beliefs in order to make meaning out of its life experiences and it takes actions that are designed to keep it safe and loved in what it perceives to be a hostile world.

With this spiritual foundation, the W.I.S.E. Method™ teaches that in forgetting who we are and living from an image of who we believe we are “supposed” to be, we are free to repress any thoughts, feelings or emotions that may not fit these adopted beliefs or the image we are presenting.

Since each thought, feeling, and emotion is an energetic reality, each of these moments of repression create small energetic blocks –thoughts, feelings or emotions – which are held deep within the body.These energetic blocks can develop into pain or other physical or emotional symptoms.If the energy blocks are not released, and the belief systems that created them are not resolved, the blocks can eventually become a physical, emotional or spiritual problem.

The W.I.S.E. Method™ works to release these blocked energies and support the needed healing on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.This often includes examining the belief systems for greater self-understanding, self-acceptance and personal growth.The W.I.S.E. Method™ Practitioner assesses the physical, emotional and spiritual components of the presenting complaint including what was happening in the client’s life at the point of on-set.